Sunday, 21 August 2011

3 different ice-creams

I wanted to try something different with my ice-cream maker so after making some rice milk using my milk maker I decided to see what else I had in the cupboard and fridge. I came up with some melon and some blackberries, so the following two recipes are the result.

I had also made some soya milk today to turn into yoghurt, and therefore had a okara left over and so I thought I may as well try it in some ice-cream to see if you can notice it, but no there was  no trace of it at all.

Dairy free Blackberry Ice cream

7oz rice milk
7 oz soya yoghurt
5oz sugar
5oz blackberries
3oz okara

I puréed the blackberries and then put all the ingredients into the ice cream maker and turn it on. It took about 25 mins to make. Think it may have been more sensible to have used the blackberry powder, and will need to get some of these next time I put in an order, as I felt the 5oz blackberries could have done with being 7oz to produce a stronger flavoured product.

The resulting ice-cream was more sorbet like than others I have made, but was very tasty and refreshing. The guinea pigs at work enjoyed this but agreed it was sorbet like rather than ice-creamy, but rice milk is a watery milk rather than a creamy milk, and this came across in the finished results.

next up was

Dairy free Melon ice-cream

7oz rice-milk
7oz alpro soya cream
5oz sugar
5oz galia melon
3oz okara

I puréed the melon and then put all the ingredients into the ice-cream maker, and again took approx 25 mins to make.

This again made a sorbet type ice-cream that was again a very refreshingly tangy desert that was very fruity, and the girls at work preferred this one to the blackberry.

Lastly this one was a made due to a comment made by oh, who said he wondered what horlicks ice-cream tastes like as he loves horlicks. So as in typical womanly fashion I made him some whilst he was out fishing. I can not make this dairy free as horlicks contains dairy, so I thought I might as well make this with full cream milk and double cream and go the whole hog.

Horlicks ice-cream.

7oz full fat milk
7oz double cream
5oz sugar
4 tablespoons horlicks.

I whisked the horlicks into the milk, and then poured all the ingredients into the ice-cream maker and switched it on. It took just less than 20mins to make.
top left melon ice-cream, blackberry ice-cream and  horlicks

This one I did not sample as I dont do dairy ice-cream as it tastes like milk and I don't like milk, But the girls at work said this was to die for and would put in orders for it if I was taking any!! OH agreed with the girls and ate his way through a large bowlful, but felt it could do with more horlicks in to make it more malty.

I have to laugh at the girls at work who all want their own ice-cream maker as they cant believe how tasty something that is so simple to make can be, and some of them may be putting one on their Christmas list, either that or they will just have to bring me in some ingredients into work.


  1. I'm with the girls at your work, i'd love an ice cream maker!

  2. Some great recipes. I love ice cream.

    Here's my non dairy ice cream recipe if you want to have a looksie...


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.